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Agent STEM Resources   arrow

Please be patient as we work on updating this page and its contents.  Much of the material provided here is outdated and in need of rebranding.  We look forward to providing current 4-H resources soon. 

Activity/Lesson Plan Writing Resources

STEM Project Evaluation


Professional and Volunteer Development

CSU STEM Resources

Other STEM Resources

Expanding STEM Learning, Lessons Learned and Early Impact of Statewide Afterschool Networks System Building Efforts, Mainspring Consulting, 2014 (working draft)

STEM at the National Level 

STEM Education Coalition

US Department of Education  STEM: Education for Global Leadership.

STEM Lessons/Activities

You be the Chemist

Facilitator Activity Guides

States of Matter
The Basics
Acids & Bases
Rxn Rates & Catalysts
Forces & Interactions
Life & Earth Sciences

Student Work Sheets

States of Matter: Melting Ice With SaltMoving Molecule StompSolid And LiquidThe Air Around You.
DensityBuoyant ButterDancing RaisinsDensity TotemLiquid Rainbow
Solubility: Crystal ArtFountain Of Soda PopT-Shirt Tie-dye (Coming soon), Wacky Waxy Watercolors.
The Basics: Brown BananasCleaning PenniesLumpy LiquidsRusty Wool.
Acids and bases: Egg Dye Solutions (Coming soon), Exploding BagsRubber Eggs.
Rxn Rates & CatalystsAgeless ApplesElephant ToothpasteSeltzer Rxn rates.
Forces & Interactions: Antigravity WaterBalloon RocketsGrasping for AirMagnetic Metals (Coming soon), Puffed Rice Fleas.
Life and Earth Sciences:  Blubber In Sea AnimalsCapillary CarnationsDew DropsHold The SaltIron In Cereal.