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4-H Military Partnership   arrow

April is the Month of the Military Child, a time to recognize that “Military Kids Serve Too”.  They are strong and resilient – but military kids make sacrifices and live under circumstances many of us cannot comprehend.  There are nearly 45,000 amazing military-connected kids in Colorado!  April 12, 2024 is “Purple Up! for Military Kids Day” in Colorado – a day set aside for the entire state to show our support and appreciation for military kids by wearing purple and doing special things to recognize the youth.  The Purple Up! Day concept was started by New Hampshire 4-H a number of years ago – and is now celebrated around the world, not just by 4-H but also by DoD, military service branches, school districts, communities and civic organizations.  Please encourage your 4-H families and communities to join us in celebrating Colorado military kids in April. 

Resources for county use (you may personalize most of the below documents to say “Month of the Military Child” for April or “Colorado Purple Up! for Military Kids Day” for April 12:

If you have questions or need any more information or ideas celebrating Month of the Military Child and/or Purple Up! Day, please contact

Thank you for your support and appreciation in helping us appreciate our military kids!