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Agent Resources for K-12   arrow

Please be patient as we work on updating this page and its contents.  Much of the material provided here is outdated and in need of rebranding.  We look forward to providing current 4-H resources soon. 

Activity/Lesson Plan Writing Resources

  • Activity Template Descriptors – describes the various parts of the activity plan
  • Activity Template Unformatted – Word document to use while developing the activity/lesson before putting in formatted version
  • Template – formatted in Publisher. Contact Wade to get the formatted version.

Guidelines for Reporting

  • How do I report youth participating in afterschool on the ES237?
  • How do I report youth participating in school enrichment on the ES237?

K-12 Logic Model

K-12 Outcomes

21st Century Skills


  • Evaluating Your K-12 Programs
  • Evaluation Tools


Professional and Volunteer Development

National 4-H Resources

Colorado Resources

Other Resources