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STEM Curriculum   arrow

4-H Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Curriculum

New STEM Curriculum for 2018

4-H Geology: Levels 1-4

Geology is the science that studies the earth. It includes the study of materials that make up the earth, the processes that change it, and the history of how it evolved — including life on earth. The study of geology is filled with the mystery and adventure of what happened to former lands and seas, and to plants and animals that lived on or in them millions of years ago. In this project youth will look at the story of the earth to gain a better understanding of the earth and the sources of the minerals youth use each day.

The Geology project is divided into four levels, which are ALL contained in this manual: Pebble Pups 1, Pebble Pups 2, Rockhound 1, and Rockhound 2. See the Look Inside feature for the project requirements for each level.

Weather and Climate Science Set of 4

The 4-H Weather and Climate Science curriculum is for youth who enjoy learning about science, especially weather and climate. This set includes 1 each of Levels 1-3 and the Facilitator’s Guide.

Through 4-H, resources to support 4-H STEM programs are available from a variety of national, state, and local sources. National 4-H has peer-reviewed science curricula on topics such as geology, Weather and Climate, robotics, geospatial science, electricity, rocketry, video production, wind energy, forestry, water quality, and the environment available to 4-H volunteers, youth, teachers, and out-of-school program providers. In addition, Colorado-specific science materials on rocketry, range management, wildlife, and weeds are also available.