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STEM Challenges   arrow

Colorado 4-H State STEM Challenges

Colorado 4-H offers two State STEM Challenges to 4-H Members.  These Challenges are hosted by the State 4-H office and take place annually at the Colorado State Fair, Pueblo Colorado.  Both challenges are designed and implemented with the help of 4-H Agents that have volunteered to be the Superintendents of each Challenge.  The State 4-H STEM K-12 Specialist works with the superintendents of each challenge to ensure Colorado’s youth have the opportunity to explore and experience hands-on experiential learning in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines.  These challenges are designed to find youths’ “SPARK” and guide them through a thriving trajectory of building life skills, STEM skill-sets, and career exploration.

The Colorado 4-H STEM Challenges being offered during 2020 include:

The Colorado 4-H State Engineering Design Challenge.

The Colorado 4-H State STEM Robotics Challenge.