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4-H Afterschool

Colorado 4-H Afterschool includes educational programs offered to youth outside of school hours, usually in a school or other community center and incorporating 4-H curricula. 4-H afterschool is designed to combine the resources of 4-H with community-based organizations that provide afterschool programs which address community needs.


4-H Afterschool increases the quality and quantity of afterschool programs, which provide a safe environment for expanded learning opportunities. To accomplish this, the focus is on improving the ability of program staff to offer high quality care, education, and developmental experiences for youth. The Colorado State University Extension 4-H Youth Development Program offers training materials and support to help program staff increase their ability to use positive youth development principles, and to help providers access quality 4-H program activities.


4-H Afterschool experiences:

  • Are offered during the times children and youth are out of school and their parents/guardians are in need of safe, healthy, caring and enriching environments that offer expanding learning opportunities for their children. They include before-and after-school hours, teacher in-service days, school holidays, summer months and weekends.
  • Reach children and youth in K – 12.
  • Engage children and youth in long-term, structured and sequentially-planned learning experiences and partnerships with adults.
  • Are designed on principles of youth development, address the interests of children and youth and help develop their physical, cognitive, social and emotional skills and abilities.

In Your Community

For more information about 4-H Afterschool Programs in your Colorado community, contact your local Colorado State University Extension 4-H Office.