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Contact Info     4-H is a community of young people, across America, learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills.....and along with the Colorado State University Community. 'Donate to Colorado 4-H and "Start a Spark Today!

Donate to Colorado 4-H

Give to Colorado 4-H


Talent is everywhere. Opportunity is not. Your gift supports the Colorado 4-H state office in activating the potential of Colorado youth. Serving our state for more than 100 years, Colorado 4-H is a cornerstone of Colorado State University’s land grant mission: to make learning and educational resources accessible to all Coloradans. We need our entire community – donors, alumni, parents, volunteers, and policymakers – to rally together for our kids. Your generosity helps staff – and trains volunteers – to create and deliver engaging, hands-on learning opportunities for youth across the state, guiding them to master the skills necessary to navigate life and help their communities thrive.

Click here to donate to Colorado 4-H 

Or mail a check payable to CSU Foundation* to: 
Colorado 4-H 
Attn: Ali Eccleston 
4040 Campus Delivery 
Fort Collins, CO 80523-4040 
Please include your contact information and note that the donation is for Colorado 4-H. 

Questions about donations or sponsorships?  Please contact Ali Eccleston, Assistant Director of Development for Engagement and Extension, 

Thank you for your generous support of Colorado youth! 

*Looking for the Colorado 4-H Foundation? Colorado 4-H donations are now received through the Colorado State University Foundation. Your donation still directly supports 4-H programs serving Colorado youth, but with lower administrative costs and simplified operations.