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Colorado 4-H Livestock Resources   arrow

Colorado 4-H Livestock Program

Colorado 4-H Livestock programs provide opportunities for youth to learn, practice and apply animal science knowledge, skills & abilities to prepare them for success in careers and life.

Colorado 4-H Livestock programs/projects place an emphasis on working respectfully, collectively and in a positive manner to achieve the youth development goals of the 4-H program. We strive to enable youth and adult volunteers to become responsible, self-directed and productive members of society, consistent with the goals and objectives of the National 4-H program.

4-H Livestock Program/Project goals and objectives include:

  1. Encourage participation through safe, inclusive learning environments by engaging youth through animal science-related activities.
  2. Enhance development of self-concept, character and personal growth through safe and educational animal related project and program opportunities.
  3. Teach safe, ethical and responsible care of animals.
  4. Promote the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship and ethical behavior.
  5. Expose participants to the broad array of vocational and life-long avocational activities related to animal ownership.
  6. Strengthen families though participation 4-H animal project activities.

Providing safe, inclusive environments is always a priority.

4-H Livestock Resources